Tuesday, 21 April 2020

On Becoming a Hermit, Sort of ... Day 35

Day 35
(Monday, 20th April 2020)

“The year’s at The Spring”

The year’s at the spring

And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hill-side’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in his heaven -
All’s right with the world !

Robert Browning

Yes, all’s right with the, well, at least our world, for the time being, because hooray! Six weeks after we ordered an online food shop, it arrived this morning at 8:30am! Thank goodness. 

Apart from online streaming of full performance from the Royal Opera House and the National Theatre, which we are enjoying, I have been watching quite a lot of past rugby matches and moments, particularly put out by England Rugby, which, you might imagine, mostly involve England winning. It says something about my mood that dictates a need to watch matches I know we won, even though they are often still tense affairs, in which there are moments I feel, absurdly, I could believe the result might yet change ... daft I know, but hey-ho, morale is important right now. 

Nothing else of particular note happened today, so on to the music bit ... 

Clemency Burton-Hill's choice of music for today, from her wonderful book, "Year of Wonder", is "Music for a while" from Oedipus by Henry Purcell. Performed here by 'Sjaella Vokalensemble'

Music for a while
Shall all your cares beguile ... 
~ John Dryden, Oedipus

However you may be affected by anything I've written about, do leave me a comment below or, if you prefer not to, talk to a loved one, a friend or someone you trust. 

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